Friday, April 24, 2009

Law Articles, Graduation

Read: Russell Shorto, The Island at the Center of the World: The Epic Story of Dutch Manhattan and the Forgotten Colony that Shaped America

When I published a law article in a small, online-only law journal, I didn't think much would come of it. But, after googling my name out of morbid curiosity a few moments ago, I found that usual search results had nearly doubled.

As graduation nears, and after my change of heart regarding private practice, the possibility of pursuing a career in legal scholarship--most likely in Intellectual Property or Legal Writing--has pressed itself upon me. The cardinal rule of entering the at-times Byzantine world of law faculties is simple: publish, publish, PUBLISH!

(Seeing as my dream job is being a novelist, you might detect a pattern here . . . .)

To this end (and because I want to see my legal scholarship in actual--rather than electronic--print), I've devoted a good portion of this semester toward writing a follow up article. And, as luck would have it, a prof. has encouraged me--and given me the sources I need--to expand a class paper into yet another full-length article, again dealing with the same area I've eeked out as my own scholarly playground: fan-based activities. The first will almost undoubtedly earn me a few hundred bucks worth of a cash reward--possibly more, if I have any success with a national competition. And, with any luck, both articles will see publication by the Fall.